Thursday, March 6, 2014

1948 (10) Daddy and Mummy on furlough in the States and Canada

1948  # 10  Daddy and Mummy on furlough in the States and Canada

Excerpts from Daddy’s prayer letter…
Washington, DC USA
February 12th 1948

Dear Prayer-Friends of Israel

All of our previous Printed Letters, having been issued from Bombay, India, were especially designed for “foreign” friends-Americans, Canadian, English, Australian.  As we prepare this ninth letter in America’s capital city, we are thinking of foreign friends, but now particularly of those whom the Lord has given us in India, the land of our adoption.

We have been together as a family since last August, when I returned from India on the Marine Adder.
After the reunion of the family in Chicago (when David and Sharon had to get acquainted with Daddy almost all over again), we proceeded to Cincinnati for six weeks of fellowship with friends there and in nearby cities.  Then northwards to Eunice’s home where I made my initial bow to many of my wife’s lifelong friends.  There was also opportunity to present the needs of India’s Jews, and of India generally, to quite a number of evangelical churches in Wisconsin.  We praise God for such open doors of ministry, and for fellowship with “second-mile Christians” who envision the need in the regions beyond.

Continuing our trip, now in a car generously granted us by Rodney Brown, Eunice’s brother-in-law, we journeyed through Michigan to my home in Perth, Ontario, Canada, where my folks met Eunice and the kiddies for the first time. (Everyone soon loved everyone else!)  

Still questionable who is who, but I believe it is
Back Row:  Daddy, Uncle Harold, Mummy
2nd row:  Uncle Cliff’s girls, Anneth and Barbara
3rd row:  Aunty Greta’s, Richard David, Shari,
Uncle Merle’s Ron and Anne

Then, after three happy weeks in and around Perth, we continued on to Boston, then to New York and to several cities in Pennsylvania, and finally to Baltimore and Washington.   Along the way we stopped overnight at many smaller towns.

In all our travels, we have enjoyed the most precious fellowship with God’s people, often, as strangers and without credentials, being received wholeheartedly into the circle of saints.  Basking in warm Gospel gladness, we have come to appreciate in a new way the richness and fullness possible in the Christian’s experience.

Such experiences have brought us low before God.  He has shown us our lack of zeal and earnestness in reaching the lost for Christ, as well as other glaring weaknesses in our witness to India’s Jews.  With enlightened minds and refreshed spirit, however, we are anticipating our second term of service with even keener joy than we knew as we entered upon our first.  Frequently, instead of hurrying along, we have been able to enjoy quiet fellowship with friends, whereby each of us has been comforted and encouraged by the others faith.

Perhaps the most thrilling experience of our trip thus far was participation, with Brother Charles Cline and others, in an open-air street-meeting in New York City, at the busy intersection of Broadway and Forty-Fourth Street, where throngs of Jew and Gentile theater-goers are reached with the Word.

The most refreshing experience, physically and spiritually, resulted from a month’s stopover in Elizabethtown, Pa.  Through the timely provision of the Lord and the thoughtfulness of His people there, we were granted the use of a lovely little cottage in snowy Beulah Heights, the Bible conference grounds of Mt. Calvary Church “ Our ‘ittle house in the ’oods” as David affectionately calls it, became very dear to all of us, especially during the Christmas season.

My most fearful experience?  Preaching my first sermon in the village of Lanark, Ontario, Canada, my birthplace, before many boyhood friends.

Daddy goes on to talk about the way he perceives things in India   (Shari’s addition… India is going through an incredibly difficult time with the British leaving and the partition of Pakistan/India.  A British man drew a line on a map to cut up the country.  The Hindus who found themselves in Pakistan were killed by the thousands, and the Muslims in India were killed by the thousand)   Daddy continues….The Apostle Paul’s injunction to Timothy, to “endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ”, may become more pertinent than previously.  If we are called upon to suffer first-century severity, however, we shall undoubtedly also know something of first-century resurrection power.  Believers all over America are praying for India-especially now, following Mr. Gandhi’s assassination, that the tide of revenge may be restrained.

Brother Martind Rajnoor, who was associated with us for several years in our ministry to Bombay’s Jews,   returned with me to America, and is now embarked on a two years, course of Seminary study.  

This Indian brother, whom we love dearly in the Lord, is a trophy snatched from Hinduism.  As he earnestly goes on to know the Lord, we commend him to your prayer-interest, that his sojourn in this country may be abundantly fruitful. 

Daddy shares that they are so thankful for their fellowship with the Ohio Messianic Testimony in Ohio, but feel at this time they should “render our resignation to take effect Feb. 1st”.  “The decision was reached not without much grief of spirit, for we love Dr. Reid personally and deeply appreciate the innumerable acts of thoughtfulness on his part towards us in the past”  He continues… We have no plans for the future in respect to fellowship with another mission;  but, acutely sensing our need of such relationship, we are seeking the guidance of the Spirit in our next step.

For the time being, our general address will be as indicated below.    Dr.Dorothy DuVall, whose name appears in this connection, has long been Eunice’s closest friend. (they met while at Moody)  The address in Baltimore is that of the eye hospital in which she is practicing.  

 Address in America c/o Dr. Dorothy DuVall   1214 Eutaw Place, Baltimore 17, Md.

February 25th, 1949

A long letter to Brother Lefever in Elizabethtown, Mt. Calvary Church.  Daddy’s words in quotes.
After much explanation, “ Consequently, we now, with freedom of spirit and joy of heart, apply to the association for World Evangelization for fellowship in our witness to India’s Jews”. 

Daddy goes into his doctrinal convictions and financial situation.  He comments, “At present we have on hand about $600.00, which represents most of a bequest from my Mother’s estate.”   Also, “Heretofore we have carefully avoided any appeal for, or mention of the need for funds, and have had many assurances that this is the Lord’s plan for us.”  This was Daddy’s and Mummy’s policy throughout the years of their lives.

“A few weeks ago, when we observed that there would be a delay in completing Mission plans, we accepted a temporary pastorate here in Cutler, at the United Presbyterian Church.   If the Lord permits, we shall be here until shortly before we leave.  Eunice and the kiddies are here with me, and we are grateful for the freedom we have in presenting the Word of God.”

A return letter from Brother Hiram W. Lefever of:

Association For World Evangelization
(Incorporated with the Eastern Ministerial Union, Inc. of Pennsylvania)

He explains that they are just a clearing house, so to speak, for missionaries.  Talks of  Brother Keener who works in Haiti and brother Atwood, in  Honduras.

He invites Daddy and Mummy to join with them, and invites them to their annual meeting at Beulah Heights, July 18 – 21 to meet others and tell of their work and to their annual Missionary conference in August 14 – 21.

He closes his letter with,
May Asher’s blessing be yours also.  
And as Barnabas said—Cleave unto the Lord.

To finish off Daddy and Mummy's time in the States and Canada, a prayer letter from Cutler, Illinois. May 3rd 1949

After expressing their joy in joining with The Association for World Evangelization as a clearing-house, he says: 

We are now in the process of obtaining permits, visas, and other papers necessary for foreign travel.
We are enjoying much liberty in the ministry of the Word and good fellowship with the folks in this friendly little town of Cutler, Illinois.   As the Lord permits, we shall remain here until late May, after which we will probably make farewell visits to our families in Wisconsin and Ontario. 

During this extended furlough, the Lord has renewed our strength so remarkably that we feel we have sufficient vigor stored up for a long term in the East.  The hand of God has been constantly upon us for good filling our hearts with food and gladness:   And speaking of food, we are quite sure that six o’clock suppers, in place of eight o’clock dinners in India, have contributed to our general well-being.

Daddy goes through a very careful explanation of all the funds they received on their furlough. 
Total: $3,905.90!  (for almost 3 years!)

Grave difficulties have confronted India during the past year and a half of independence, yet considerable real progress has been made.  The prime minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru has shown remarkable vision in dealing with problems arising from independence and the immediate future of India appears to be reasonably secure.

India’s sixty million “Untouchables” have officially become equal citizens instead of pariahs.  However, since caste is deeply rooted in the Indian consciousness, it cannot be ruled out of existence, nevertheless this drastic move indicates the trend in the New India.

Israel “the tribe of the bleeding heart and the weary feet,” is now free to enter the homeland after its long night of dispersion.   Dr. Chaim Weizman, Zionist leader, has declared that the word “homelessness’ most nearly characterizes Jewry of past centuries; now “the wandering Jew” is going HOME.   And Yet, God’s covenant-people refuse as a nation to believe in Jesus as the Messiah.  We feel a great responsibility to pray earnestly that God indeed might fulfill His purpose for His own Name’s sake.  So much the more as we behold the Day of the Lord approaching.  The next ten or fifteen years will be an intensely critical period for our staggering world.

Many of our Jewish friends in India have departed for Eretz, the Holy Land and others are preparing to leave.  The dark-skinned Bene-Israel comprising more than half the thirty five thousand Jews in India, are more closely allied to the Indian people through intermarriage and customs than to their Jewish brethren in other lands.  The so-called “ Baghdaddi” Jews, descendants of settlers who came from around Baghdad two hundred years ago are more eager to join the trek to Palestine.

The Jews of India have manifested such responsiveness to the Gospel that we are confident there will be a rich harvest of souls before our Lord “breaks the blue and comes through”.

As we return to the land and people we love, we are grateful for God’s assurance that He will make us a “new sharp threshing instrument”.

Very sincerely, in the fellowship of the Gospel to Jew and Gentile,

John and Eunice Buffam
Anne Bethel 6 ½, David John 4 ½, Sharon Grace 3

“Our heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they may be saved.”

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